
Monday, April 18, 2016



DATE: 18TH APRIL, 2016

To break forth means in the Hebrew, ‘’Patsach’’. i.e.
(To cause to break, burst forth into joy, make a loud noise). Life is full of troubles, fear and anxiety, darkness. But until we can overcome these, we must seek for certain essential needs that will empower us to overcome the turbulence and storms in life that hinders us from fulfilling our God’s purpose for us.
You are the light of the world so do not be ignorant of who you are. You are a lion, for you do not negotiate with the devil on anything but you take.
Before you were a clot of blood in your mother's womb, God knew you. Your life is a mystery, your assignment is divine and your destiny is orchestrated by our Sovereign God. you are a mystery on earth filled with unlimited resources. I pray that any satanic identity on you is broken and you have been broken out from any limitation that imitates and represents itself as destiny in your life in Jesus name. Amen


> You Must Be Born Again and be Holy. The first thing you need is salvation which was given to us freely from our Lord and Master Jesus Christ when he laid down his life on the cross of Calvary as an atonement for our sins. After you have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, the Holy Ghost comes and dwell in you and with you to teach you all things in your walk with our Almighty God. (you must be in Christ) 2Corinthians 5:17, 1Corinthians 6:20 Obadiah 1:17

> The heavenly Backing from the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit).
 As Christians, before we can take any step to execute certain plans in our life, we need the total authorization and backing from heaven.
(Genesis 1:1-3), it is revealed to us that, there was some blockades that needed to deal with before creation. Until God moved, He needed to first separate the heavens and the earth. Secondly God needed the Holy Spirit to move upon the waters because there was formless and   the earth was void. Thirdly, he needed the Word that lightened on the earth to dominate the darkness.
We also need an Open heaven. When we receive an open heaven upon our life, the Holy Spirit empowers us within and teaches us on how to operate and win wars against our enemies. Matthew 3:15-17 Matthew 4:1… JESUS needed an open heaven to carry out his mission. He needed the empowerment of the Holy Ghost to break forth. Because Jesus received an open heaven, He was very much confident that the spirit of God was with him and that; nothing shall hurt Him in the wilderness. Also He became very empowered to overcome the various test of satan in the wilderness. It is revealed that, after Jesus broke forth and conquered satan, in the wilderness, nothing was able to stand against him or prevent him from fulfilling his assignment

> Prayer, Faith, God’s Word and Love. 
  Prayer is a necessity for breaking forth because it causes our spirit to be aligned with God which brings victory to our souls and gives us strength to win our daily battles. One secret about the daily dominance of Jesus is prayer. As Christians if prayer becomes our lifestyle and we obey the leadings of the Holy Spirit we will overcome every enemy in our life and also dominate all aspect of our lives. James 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 4:4, Romans 8:26-27. Also we are not fighting against flesh and blood on earth but against wicked spirits which cannot be dealt with the might of the flesh but by prayer (Ephesians 6:12).
 >  Faith is a powerful weapon which is able to make and unmake things in our life. Without faith we can never please God, and until we please God we cannot win battles because He only can win the battles in the spirit realms on our behalf which our natural eyes cannot see and also our physical strength cannot stand. If faith comes alive in you, all doubts fades away and all things become possible (Matthew 17:20 Matthew 21:21 Mark 11:22 Luke 17:6).
  > God’s word which dwells in us makes us victorious over the schemes and temptations of our enemies. The word of God is very powerful to break every yoke in our lives and bring us victory. The word of God is very powerful to neutralize the works of the devil and defeat our enemies. Hebrews 4:12, 1Thessalonians 2:13 Psalms 1:1-3. The Bible makes us understand in Acts 6:7 that the word of God was able to break the limitation of growth and the number of disciples increased and multiplied so greatly. Therefore we need the word of God to dwell in us very strongly and we shall surely overcome
      ‘’ Love’’ as the first fruit of the Spirit is the greatest of all the weapons that gears us to breaking forth into fulfilling our God given assignments. God first showed us love by sending his only begotten son Jesus Christ to come and die for our sins. If we are able to show love to those who hate us, it overshadows their wicked thoughts and God’s protection is very sure in our lives. When the love of God shares abroad in your heart, you are literally in the will of God for all the commandments of God are fulfilled in one which is LOVE. If we are also operating in the will of our Almighty God, we never fall prey to the schemes of the enemy but rather overcome fear and pushes forward and harder to victory for God is with us. When the love of God overshadows us all things works together for our good. 1 Corinthians 13:13, Galatians 5:22 Galatians 5:14 Romans 8:28.
Do not be ignorant of the schemes of satan. 2Corinthians 2:10-11

> Diligence and Disciplinary Attitude.
       Diligence and discipline is something God demands that we add to ourselves in any area of our lives. If we become very diligent in the things of God, our academics, businesses, marriages will know no failures and we shall always succeed in Jesus name Proverbs 22:29. We should be able to apportion our time very wisely and execute them effectively.

> The Heart of Giving and Thanksgiving.
       Giving opens greater doors which we don’t labour for, in other words it is the key to the Lord’s goodness and prosperity. Giving triggers the heavens to pour out the bountiful blessings from the treasury room of heaven. Giving is also a sacrifice we place on the altar of God which speaks on our behalf. Having compassion on the needy and being a helper to the poor activates the favors of God to shine upon our lives. Proverbs 28:27, Malachi 3:10, Acts 20:35 2Corinthians 9:6, 2Chronicles 1:6-12.
 > Thanksgiving draws the heavens to our assistance. Sometimes the only way we can break certain barriers and advance in our lives is giving God our heart of worship and thanksgiving. The wall of Jericho fell down flat not because of the righteousness of the people but their heart of worship. In everything we have to show our appreciation to God in thanksgiving for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning our lives. The prison doors broke and opened because of the praises of Paul and Silas Acts 16:25-26 1Corinthians 15:57

It is my prayer that, may our God Almighty help us to stay focused on him alone, walk in his truth and power and victory will surely be ours in Jesus mighty name. Amen

                     GOD BLESS YOUYOU

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!


God has blessed us with a date to pour unto us His immeasurable goodness. Come let's meet God on this date Wednesday 11th May, 2016 - 15th May, 2016. The time is 5:30pm from Wednesday to Saturday and 8:00am prompt on Sunday. The venue is Fountain Gate Chapel (Jubilee Pastures Kumasi).
Get ready for new and dumbfounding testimonies in your life.


Monday, April 4, 2016



Grace In Motion

When Grace is in motion, Nature and trends seizes to operate in its normal ways But rather comes under subjection to work all things for your good and in your favour.
Receive grace to move in life without hardship and struggles in Jesus name.

Friday, April 1, 2016

What you are searching for this very long time is found in nowhere but your love for God. Don't struggle again with your might strength and power looking for that peace, joy, breakthroughs, happiness BUT only allow the Love of God to Lead you. What you need is a heart for LOVING GOD.
If death could not hold Jesus down, and He is risen and lives forever, then I shall struggle no more, fear no more, cry no more, because His resurrection has brought me redemption, deliverance, joy, peace, authority, grace, mercies, and His treasures has been opened unto me.
Praise God,,,,Hallelujah!!!!