
Sunday, January 12, 2020


MARK 1:9-11

(Mar 1:9  And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Mar 1:10  And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

Mar 1:11  And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased).

PROPHECY: The heaven shall open unto you this month in Jesus name. Amen.

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Thursday, February 2, 2017



When we talk about the” Anointing”, most ly we first think of being smeared with oil or the act of pouring oil
on a person. All these are part of the ways of receiving and impacting the anointing unto a man.
Anointing in the Hebrew means “Meesh-Khaw” which means To be Consecrated. The anointing that has
being bestowed within you and upon you is the grace that empowers you to operate in the
supernatural. In other words, you are able to operate easier without struggle in complex matters. The
Anointing makes the impossibilities possible, for you do not work things out by your own might but by
the Spirit of God. Zechariah 4:6.
Every born-again Christian should desire the anointing of the Holy Spirit
to preach the Gospel to win more souls for the Kingdom of God.
This leads us to the giver of the Anointing. The question now is who gives the anointing? (THE SPIRIT OF
In Zechariah 4:6 “Then He spake unto me, this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by
might, nor by Power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of host. The Holy Spirit is responsible for anointing
men with supernatural power to perform specific task and assignments on earth.
Jesus is our typical example of being empowered by the Holy Spirit to perform His divine assignment on
earth. When JESUS said in Luke 4:18-19


 The anointing of the Holy Spirit brings Life to them that receive His touch. Proverbs 4:23
 The anointing of the Holy Spirit is given through people to demonstrate God’s Love and Power.
“CHRIST” means the anointed one, meaning as Christ is in us, we have the same anointing that
He had on earth. Luke 4:18-19
 The anointing is given to preach the Gospel to the poor.
 The anointing is given for Healings and Restorations.
 The anointing proclaims freedom to the Captives. Isaiah 10:27
 The anointing is given to make the impossibilities, possible.
 The anointing is given to operate beyond the natural realms into supernatural.
 The anointing is the gift from God.


 The anointing that comes upon the man. This type of anointing is being put on people to
perform a specific task and assignment in a particular time period. Saul prophesied as the Spirit
of God came upon Him.
 The anointing that abides within you or has been imputed in you by the Holy Spirit. The
anointing of the five-fold ministry and the nine gifts of the Spirit.


 The anointed man is consecrated by the Holy Spirit.
 The anointed man is empowered for perfect victory.
 The anointing automatically clothes you and puts in you the Love of God.
 The anointed man is the man of faith.
 The anointed man always heed to the directions of God’s Spirit and His word.
 The anointed man puts God first in everything.
 The anointed man is filled with the knowledge of God.
 The anointed man knows the voice of God.
 The anointed man always commune with the Spirit of God. She/he has an intimate and a close
relationship with God.
 The anointed man operates in the power of the Most High God.�

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The only way a subject of God can control your life is when you allow and worship it. Stop embracing material things that will profit you nothing and seek for the spiritual things of God. It is a fallacy when you think God is first in your life but when you wake up from bed,  you ignore prayer, 
God's word,and meditations and rather always thinking of how to look good on the outside, who paged you on the social media, envying people who have some material things you do not possess instead of learning from people who are climbing higher everyday in God through Christ Jesus. 

The youth of today are blinded by satan to worship him through fashion. Many people now goes to church with the motive of being the top model with a smart dress than any other person. Unnecessary competitions which in the long run will bring someone's faith down instead of lifting it up. We are deprived from receiving the deep things of God because we have already allowed a certain god to rule us.
 Do not worship and fear anything that is subject to GOD, BUT only GOD, for those subjects exist because of God's mercies. All manner of tongues that rises against you will have no effect on you because it's only GOD whose word will stand in your life and HE alone is in charge of your tomorrow. Make GOD first in everything and He will make you first.

(Matthew 6:33  Romans 12:12  Mark 8:36  Luke 12:15  1John 2:16-17  James 4:2-4  Ecclesiastes 6:9  Colossians 3:2-3)
Its my prayer that, May God bring us to the place where we acknowledge him before anything else and may we never fall prey to the devil in Jesus name.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


ECCLESIASTES 9:10 (Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you go)

COLOSSIANS 3:23 (whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;)

Enough of the try and error or the hit and run and focus on that one thing. Don't expect success from the beginning because no vision speaks at the beginning but expect success and glory at the end. For that one thing you do, in the beginning it will be silent but at the end it shall speak.
Jesus came to this world for only one thing. When his mission began, men could not understand but when it got to the end, his vision spoke on the cross and brought reconciliation to man which we are beneficiaries now. (KJV: JOHN 18:37)
Focus on that one thing you are called into and be deligent to it until it sticks. Although it may tarry but it will not delay. Obey God's call, start the Ministry, start the company, keep the vision running, don't give up, keep on pushing forward, look up to God always and at the end the vision shall speak.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


(LUKE 11:33)
It is not enough for you as a Christian to be seen as a christian by unbelievers, But rather Go Ye and preach the Gospel truth to them that are perishing for them to come to the light.
We always hit our chest that we are the light of the world for Jesus Christ is in us. If we are the light then let us shine, for light does not produce darkness but it performs the action of shining or illumination. We don't light up a lamp and hide it but we put it in an open place for it to shine not for people to see the lamp but to make the surrounding bright and visible.
 We have enough time to defend God by arguing with the perishing souls  when they misinterpret the word of God to favor their lifestyle and their religion BUT we don't have time to preach the gospel to them when no argument is raised by them.
Speak the word of God to the perishing souls for them to escape the eternal damnation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


If salvation of the Souls of Men are God's priority or His primary agenda, Then as born again Christians, the unsaved souls in this world are our responsibility.
 Reaching out to the lost souls and preaching the good news of repentance unto salvation to them is not only associated to the work of an Evangelist, Apostle or any of the office of the Five-Fold Ministry, But rather is the responsibility of the Born-Again Christians or followers of Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature).
The moment we refuse to see this as a command from God to us but to Apostles, Pastors, Evangelist, Teachers and Prophets in the name of " I am not called, I am just a mere member of the church" many souls will perish and we shall be held accountable for their souls one day. 

 We come across many unsaved souls at our work places, on the roads, at our communities, at school, in buses, at various events etc. We have all these souls moving around us with no knowledge in Christ Jesus, being devoured by satan anytime it pleases. Enough of us being redundant and giving the devil a free way to sweep away God's special creation from the face of this earth for eternal destruction.

Jesus came to this world not for the righteous sake but for the sake of sinners to reconcile them unto God. Jesus left everything he had in Heaven and came to sacrifice His life for the sake of sinners so that they will be saved and born again. So now you know that for the sake of the salvation and love for mankind, God did not spare His only begotten son Jesus Christ but gave him out as a ransom to be nailed on the tree with undefined tortures so that mankind shall be saved.  He took all of our infirmities to the cross so that we might become the righteousness of God. (John 3:16, Romans 8:32, II Corinthians 5:21).

Let us arise and activate the boldness to speak God's word to unsaved souls without fear or shyness. Let us utilize our existence on earth as an opportunity to win more souls for God, make many disciples and expand the Kingdom of heaven.  (Acts 4:29)

I pray for you now that may the lord our God grant us the boldness to speak His word to sinners so that they will not perish but will have eternal life to live. May the Lord our God help us to renew our minds and open our eyes for us to know our responsibilities as followers of Jesus Christ. Help me God to obey you in Jesus name. Amen.

Monday, May 9, 2016


It is Only in the Will of God that makes you free, and that is where your blessings are hidden. Enough of depending and using your physical strength and ability to survive in this world or you shall have no strength or life to enjoy your labour. Surrender your all to God and let His Will operate, For it is only the Will of God that will give you liberty.